Bamboo Toothbrush
Why Bamboo? Every Plastic toothbrush ever made still exists today, eventually polluting our oceans. With the added benefit of being better for the environment The Better Earthlings Toothbrush cleans just as well and lasts just as long as your normal plastic toothbrush. Our Bamboo Toothbrushes are designed for a blissful experience of Nature to start and end your day right! These Brushes are LIGHTWEIGHT, DURABLE, STURDY, ECO-FRIENDLY and truly take care of Oral Concerns and Hygiene of your whole family. Herbs and tiny Tree Branches have been scientifically proven to be great options to clean-up the mouth and teeth since ancient times! Bamboo Toothbrush is a contemporary version of the same. Toothbrushes are a regular USE n THROW product and hence create a large amount of plastic waste in the environment. Unlike Plastic Brushes, in Bamboo Toothbrushes the handle is completely biodegradable and Bamboo is easily grown hence sustainable. It is a product which rightly suits MODERN LIVING ideals of Simplicity, Conscious Living, Utility and Efficiency!