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7 homemade face packs for winter

Winter is essentially the worst time of year for your skin because it coincides with the beginning of winter. Your skin may still be dry, itchy, and irritated even if you can avoid the more severe disorders. The dry air caused by the cold weather and low humidity levels robs your skin of hydration. Having glowing, plump skin could seem like a far-off fantasy during these circumstances. Fortunately, despite the odds, our kitchens have everything we need to succeed. With these easy DIY face pack, you can give your skin the TLC it needs.

1. Coffee mask

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon each of milk, honey, cocoa powder, and coffee grounds

Method: To make a paste, combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Apply the mask on your face despite how alluring the fragrance can seem. After 20 minutes, wipe it off with water.

Frequency: You should apply this face pack once each week.

Benefits: Coffee reduces puffiness, improves the face, and prevents acne by stimulating blood flow. Due to its high antioxidant content, cocoa powder heals damaged skin.

2. Curd face pack

Ingredients: two tablespoons of curd, one tablespoon of honey, and a dash of turmeric

Method: Apply the mixture to your face and neck after thoroughly combining all the ingredients. Twenty minutes later, rinse it off.

Frequency: You can use this pack two times each week.

Benefits: Lactic acid and alpha-hydroxy acids, abundant in curd, aid in eliminating dead skin cells. Honey aids skin calming, and turmeric is an antimicrobial agent to fight acne.

3. Honey mask

Ingredients: One tablespoon each of rosewater, honey, and lemon

Method: Apply the mixture to your face and neck after combining the ingredients. After letting it dry for ten minutes, wash it off with warm water.

Frequency: You can use this face pack two to three times each week.

Benefits: Because honey has antibacterial and antioxidant characteristics, it calms the skin while preventing acne. Rosewater aids in skin tone. The skin becomes brighter with lemon juice.

4. Avocado and honey face pack

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon honey, 2 tablespoons mashed avocado, and 1 teaspoon rosewater.

Method: Apply the mixture to your face and neck after thoroughly blending all the ingredients. After ten minutes, rinse it off.

Frequency: Use this bundle once every week.

Benefits: Lecithin and B-carotene, two antioxidants that help moisturize skin, are abundant in the avocado pulp. Honey aids in skin calming.

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5. Papaya and milk face pack

Ingredients: 1 ripe papaya, unpasteurized milk

Method: To produce a thick paste, mash the papaya and stir in a little milk. On your face and neck, apply the paste. Wash it off with cold water after it has dried.

Frequency: Apply this pack three times a week for noticeable effects.

Benefits: The enzyme papain, found in papaya, helps to remove dead skin cells and rejuvenate the skin. Milk calms the skin while also aiding in pore cleaning.

6. Aloe vera and sandalwood face pack

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons. 1 teaspoon of fresh aloe vera gel 1 tablespoon of honey Sandalwood talc

Method: Apply the mixture to your face and neck after thoroughly blending all the ingredients. After fifteen minutes, rinse with water.

Frequency: You should use this mask two times each week.

Benefits: Aloe vera soothes and hydrates the skin while having anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In addition to reducing aging symptoms like wrinkles and dry skin, sandalwood powder also aids in the prevention of acne.

7. Rice flour face pack

Ingredients: 1tbsp. rice flour, 1 tbsp. oatmeal and 2 tbsp. honey

Method: Mix the ingredients and apply them all over your face and neck. Rinse after 20 minutes.

Frequency: This pack can be applied once a week.

Benefits: Rice contains ferulic acid and allantoin, a great natural sunscreen. Rice flour also has anti-inflammation properties, which can soothe sunburns. Oats contain saponins, natural cleansers; they help remove dirt and oil that clogs the pores. 

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Aradhya Verma

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